Wednesday, December 2, 2015

A • P E R S O N A L • R E C O U N T

As part of the Journey into Literature, a Literature course offered in the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus, we had a course assignment that consisted in creating and running a blog. We had to total 10 entries, 11 with this one. A blog is a personal space for anyone to write and express their ideas, thoughts or emotions, etc. This can be a personal blog, where no one but the author is able to see the writings, or a pubic one, where anyone can enter and read your posts and/or wish to comment on their thoughts on your post, if you wish for them to do so.

This experience to me was a new one. I use to write my thoughts, but to myself, not for everyone else to read. But nonetheless, apart from a single post that I pulled the courage to upload for everyone to read, it was fun to write and run a blog. Also, I found it greatly entertaining for me do decorate and basically decide the layout and the aesthetic of the blog perse. Blogging has become a recent modality for many people during the recent years, and I've never expected to go though the experience of running one, and having so much fun while doing so.

Since this was part of a class requirement, most of the post were related to readings discussed in class and special assignments from the professor. From my perspective this way is an innovative and interesting way to make students interested in writing reflections and implementing technology to do so. Having students run a blog, makes it easier to transmit their thoughts and impulse their creativity both when writing and setting the blog to their personal tastes.  After the end of the class, I will most probably run back to my blog to express and convey anything that I feel like to share with anyone who is interested in reading my posts. I greatly enjoyed this experience and plan on experimenting more with blogging

• F R E E L A N C E R S •

During a cold morning on November 14 at around 5:30am The Freelancers decided to get together in Caguas, Puerto Rico to go up in a hike to the "Arbol Solitario" or Lonely Tree in Cayey/Salinas Puerto Rico. We got to knew each other on a Literature Class named Journey into Literature in the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus. Once the professor called our names and told us we would be a group, we quickly got along marvelously. Since our friendship grew, one of the members suggested that we go on a hike, that he would lead us on the way. We all got very excited and scheduled the hour and date, so that we would go chase the sunrise and see it from up in the mountains. 

The date of the hike had to be postponed once because of academically work, since we are students from different faculties and each got a packed schedule all of a sudden. But this didn't matter, because once we found an opening, we jumped at the chance. The hour may seem quite early, but it was just the perfect hour. "El Arbol Solitario" was a place I knew one could go up on a hike, but before getting to know The Freelancers, I didn't know how to get up there, nor I had friends that were willing to go and explore those uncharted lands that none of us knew.

"El Arbol Solitario" is a tree you see when you are cruising along the PR-52 interstate highway. Once you are going down the mountain on the highway, after you pass the Monument of the Jibaro, you'll see a lone tree up on the mountain. This tree doesn't have other trees of its stature near by, hence the name The Lonely Tree. This trail is accessible through an emergency ramp right after the monument that I mentioned earlier. To my surprise, this hike is marked and easy to follow. I have been to only a few hikes in my life, but I would consider this trail an intermediate, although is not all that difficult. 

Once we reached the top (at around 7:00am) the view was breathtakingly beautiful. We could see the highway and all the beautiful green scenery that Puerto Rico has to offer. Also, since it was sprinkling rain, we got to view a beautiful rainbow engulfed in some of the early mountain fog. All the work done to get to the top was worth it. There is no greater pleasure than to work for something and get such an amazing reward as the reward, in this case, the view. If you are a local, and never have been there before, this hike is definitely a most do; also if you're a tourist, this is too a must do. This is a wonderful opportunity to witness the beautiful sunrise or sunset, whichever your preference, this is something you won't be disappointed in doing.

Photo Credit: George Arnaldo

"The best view comes after the hardest climb"




Thanks George for the amazing opportunity.