way or another, everything in our lives is a carousel ride. We jump, we get
excited, and we are desperately waiting in a line. We wait for the ones who are
riding the carousel to end their ride so that we can go climb our horse (or
whatever creature is on the carousel) and start our ride. When we were little,
very very little, we didn’t know what a carousel ride was. Our eyes would look
with great wonder and amazement at that foreign object that we had never seen
before, and get excited and wait for our turn to get to enjoy the ride.
may sound bogus, but think about it… In life, we get to experience things once,
others more than a few times. If we are satisfied with the experience we look
forward to our chance to experience it again. But if it just so happens that we
made a mistake while on the ride or while getting of it, we ponder our mistakes
and try to not make them again when we ride the carousel again. This, I have
come to understand it and ponder it myself for a while now. When we are little,
we look to others as role models or we look in others for things that we want
to do or try because we saw another person doing it. Sometimes, this may lead
some to a few experiences that we may come to regret. But in the end,
everything is a learning experience.
recently, I had a fight with a friend. I know, you may think is your common
fight when you don’t agree with something, right? But no, this was different.
The things he was saying, it was as if he was wishing upon himself great
misfortune. I didn’t want him to keep saying those things because I would not
know what would I have done if something did happen. To make matters worse, he
blamed me for overreacting. It wasn’t my fault for the things he said, but the
words hurt more than anything at the moment. One thing lead to another, and
matters were resolved. But what leads me to the carousel is that, no matter how
many times we get into fights, into being hurt, sometimes little things like
that don’t matter because we want to keep experiencing the ride more. But the
most important thing, is that no matter the situation, one can’t change a
person. The person if he wants to change, he has to do it by himself and by his
own free will. Even if its for their own good.
can’t try and change someone… that is a lesson I learned the hard way. Now, I
may look like a selfish person because I’m trying to change someone and not
trying to accept them as they are. Sadly, the truth is, that there is not a day
that goes by that I try to put myself in his shoes, trying to understand, but
just like a carousel, I end up in square one. Sometimes we want to ride the
carousel in hopes that this time would be different, sometimes it is, and
sometimes it’s not.
are not fun and happiness all the time, but they make us who we are. We have to
take up the ride in the carousel as never ending experience, because whether we
want it or not, we always end up in a carousel ride. But whether is good or
bad, we must make the best out of the situation so that we don’t end up in the
carousel back to square one without getting to learn something out of the ride.
P.D. It was not easy writing this, nor it was easy posting it for everyone to read. But as everything in life, not everything is simple and a "piece of cake". In posting this,it is proof that I am over the situation and that I have learned and forgiven, and that I have returned from the carousel with a learned experience, and had not let that ride go in vain. Thank you all for reading.